Lock Drop Mechanism

Lock Drop Mechanism

The lock drop utilizes a point system based on staked CRI tokens. Users earn points by staking CRI tokens for a predefined period. The number of points earned is directly proportional to the amount and duration of the staked tokens.

Point System and Tier Structure

The lock drop employs a tiered structure based on the total points accumulated. Reaching a specific point threshold within a tier guarantees users a corresponding level of NFT rarity and associated platform benefits.

Tier Name (Lock drop)Staking RequirementAdjusted Point Threshold


10,000 CRI Tokens

5,000 Points


50,000 CRI Tokens

25,000 Points


100,000 CRI Tokens

50,000 Points

There are three tiers in the lock drop:

  • Basic Tier (5,000 Points): This tier offers an entry point for new participants.

  • Intermediate Tier (25,000 Points): This tier provides a significant jump in rarity and platform benefits, incentivizing users to aim higher.

  • Advanced Tier (50,000 Points): This tier grants access to the rarest NFTs and exclusive platform benefits, rewarding users with the highest commitment.

Please note: These point thresholds are subject to change based on overall user participation. We will communicate any adjustments well in advance of the lock drop.

Guaranteed Benefits and NFT Allocation per Tier

Basic Tier (5,000 Points):

  • Guaranteed Benefits:

    • Early access to the lock drop minting window.

  • Guaranteed NFT Allocation:

    • Majority of Common NFTs

    • A small number of Uncommon NFTs for increased excitement within the tier.

Intermediate Tier (25,000 Points):

  • Guaranteed Benefits:

    • Priority access to purchase future limited-edition NFTs.

    • Discounted fees on NFT transactions on the platform.

  • Guaranteed NFT Allocation:

    • Mix of Uncommon and Rare NFTs

Advanced Tier (50,000 Points):

  • Guaranteed Benefits:

    • Voting rights on future NFT project selection.

    • Exclusive access to social impact initiatives tied to specific NFTs.

  • Guaranteed NFT Allocation:

    • All remaining Rare NFTs

Last updated