Business Model

Revenue And Profit

CRAFT-I revenue generation and profitability:

  • CRAFT-I creates NFT (Non-Fungible token) from SMEs’ design and lists them on the NFT marketplace. When investors purchase the NFTs, CRAFT-I earns percentages of the sale.

  • CRAFT-I provides various services to SMEs, including investment facilitation, marketing assistance, and access to the Web 3.0 platform. In exchange for these services, CRAFT-I earns a fee for facilitating the sale of the products to customers.

Service Fees

CRAFT-I charges SMEs for the service it provides. These charges include fees for investment facilitation, marketing services, and a commission on equipment sales. The fee is designed to be fair and transparent, ensuring that SMEs can benefit from CRAFT-I support while sustaining the platform’s operations.

Success Key Factors

CRAFT-I's success depends on using Web 3.0 and the “Digital-To-Physical” method, allowing SMEs to showcase their creation globally. Accessible funding, and effective marketing support. Moreover, having a strong community and network of Small-Medium Enterprises, investors, and customers is a big part that makes CRAFT-I successful.

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